
Nanotechnologies - Guidelines for the characterization of nanoobjects-containing additives in food products cen:proj:69932

General information

00.60 Close of review   Mar 27, 2019


CEN/TC 352 Nanotechnologies

Technical Specification


- Recommendation of an analytical methodology to determine the nanofraction of particles constituting selected additives (E171, E551, E172 (i)(ii)(iii), E174, E175) once incorporated in food products. A complementary approach using sp ICP-MS and SEM will be proposed to characterize the number size distribution of primary particles.
- Provision of technical elements to help the user to choose the best fitted techniques according to additives features (chemical composition, shape of particles, agglomeration/aggregation states, polydispersity), if known
- Specific focus will be put on protocols to use in order to remove additives from different kinds of food matrix for obtaining representative and reliable results (according to the characterization technique in use, the type of food matrix -fatty ones, powder, liquid ...- and the additive features - chemical composition, coating...)
- Formulation of extraction rules (double entry table according to additives and food product type for both analytical techniques SEM and sp ICP-MS)
- Round robin inter-comparison study for extraction protocols and characterization on selected case studies (combination additive/food matrix)
- Provision of conditions for possible comparability of results coming from both techniques for a list of food additives and food matrices
- Development of a European standard (CEN Technical Specification, CEN/TS)

Life cycle


00.60 Close of review
Mar 27, 2019